Would you rather ... ( a or b )
1. eat a bird spider alive or walk barefoot over glowing coals ?
2. dance Gangnam Style on a foreign funeral or do the Cha Cha Slide beside a beehive ?
3. Slap Mike Tyson or drive rollercoaster without belt ?
4. Steal a child’s schoolbag in the crowd or steal a lonely policesman’s cap ?
5. Stop washing yourself for 10 days or take a short bath in cow dung ?
6. Go to your boss and seriously tell him that you are the boss now or tell your archenemy that you love him and don’t deserve to be loved by him ?
7. Put a letter with naked pictures of you into your neighboors mailbox or do three somersaults in a filled, driving bus ?
8. Have a Grinch tattoo on your forehead or do a plastic surgery do get jug ears ?
9. Go to work/school without trousers or put yourself into prison for 2 days ?
10. Drive by tricycle through downtown or fart multiple times during a church sermon ?
You have very difficult decisions to make
I’m very excited to know what you would do, so please tell me :D
Judul : Would You Rather... Or... ?
Deskripsi : Would you rather ... ( a or b ) 1. eat a bird spider alive or walk barefoot over glowing coals ? 2. dance Gangnam Style on a foreign f...